Faculty and staff

Yasmine Abdin

Assistant Professor

Composites Engineering

Office: FF 011

Research and Teaching Interests

Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, Composites Design and Manufacturing, Optimization, In-Service Performance behaviour, Damage, Durability, Structural Reliability, Multi-Scale Modelling, Characterization Methods, Finite Element Analysis, Machine Learning, and Industry 4.0.

Kiana Amini

Assistant Professor

Corrosion, Electrochemistry, & Hydrometallurgy

Office: FF 111

Research and Teaching Interests

Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion, Redox Flow Batteries, Fuel Cells In Situ Characterization of Electrochemical Processes, Electrolyte Design and Battery Architecture, Multi-Physics Modeling of Electrochemical Systems

Edouard Asselin


Corrosion, Electrochemistry, & Hydrometallurgy

Office: FF 207

Research and Teaching Interests

Hydrometallurgy, electrochemistry, corrosion

Ben Britton


Advanced Metallurgical Manufacturing & Processing Engineering


Research and Teaching Interests

Materials characterisation & microstructure, metallurgy, electron diffraction & microscopy, deformation, microstructure/property models, manufacturing

Steve Cockcroft


Advanced Metallurgical Manufacturing & Processing Engineering

Office: FF 413

Research and Teaching Interests

Physical phenomena in non-ferrous casting: hot tearing, continuous casting, EB melting and refining, vaccuum casting, finite element-based heat flow and stress codes, optimization of industrial casting processes, mathematical modeling

Amir M. Dehkhoda

Assistant Professor of Teaching

Corrosion, Electrochemistry, & Hydrometallurgy

Office: FF 106B

Research and Teaching Interests

Engineering leadership, enhancing student engagement and learning experience via generative AI, development of Open Educational Resources (OER), problem-based learning

David Dixon


Corrosion, Electrochemistry, & Hydrometallurgy

Office: FF 409

Research and Teaching Interests

Hydrometallurgy process analysis and design, mathematical modelling, heap leaching, fluid flow and mass transfer, leaching kinetics, fixed bed processing

David Dreisinger


Corrosion, Electrochemistry, & Hydrometallurgy

Office: FF 415

Research and Teaching Interests

Hydrometallurgy, solvent extraction, electrochemical kinetics, waste treatment, biohydro-metallurgy, ion exchange, process modelling

Casey Keulen

Assistant Professor of Teaching

Office: FF 106A

Research and Teaching Interests

Polymer matrix composite materials; multi-campus course instruction, continuing professional development

Sergey Kravchenko

Assistant Professor

Composites Engineering


Research and Teaching Interests

Polymers and polymer composites; Multi-functional composites; High-throughput manufacturing process modelling of composites; Multi-scale, multi-physics, probabilistic computational modelling of composites; Manufacturing-informed performance simulation of composites; Machine learning methods in composites manufacturing and performance analysis; Composite structures for renewable energy & unmanned vehicles; Additive manufacturing.

Wenying Liu

Associate Professor

Corrosion, Electrochemistry, & Hydrometallurgy

Office: FF 209

Research and Teaching Interests

Use of sea water in heap leaching, release of selenium and associated toxic elements from mine waste materials, heap leach modelling

Daan Maijer

Professor and Department Head

Advanced Metallurgical Manufacturing & Processing Engineering

Office: FF 313

Research and Teaching Interests

Heat transfer, fluid flow, stress

Matthias Militzer


Advanced Metallurgical Manufacturing & Processing Engineering

Office: FF 211

Research and Teaching Interests

Multi-scale modelling of microstructure evolution, physical metallurgy of advanced high strength steels, Cu interconnects

Jon Nakane

Associate Professor of Teaching

Office: FF 203A

Research and Teaching Interests

Warren Poole


Advanced Metallurgical Manufacturing & Processing Engineering

Office: FF 215

Research and Teaching Interests

Advanced aluminum alloys, high strengths, high formable steels. metal matrix composites, microstructure/property models

Anoush Poursartip


Composites Engineering

Office: FF 113

Research and Teaching Interests

Polymer matrix composite materials, damage growth in service, processing science for efficient manufacturing

Chad Sinclair


Advanced Metallurgical Manufacturing & Processing Engineering

Office: FF 411

Research and Teaching Interests

Prediction of microstructure and properties of engineering alloys through the use of experiments and modelling, predicting the correlation between the structure of alloys, at the microstructural and atomic scale, and their mechanical behaviour

Rizhi Wang


Biomaterials Engineering


Research and Teaching Interests

Biomaterials, biomechanics, biomimetics

Guangrui Xia

Associate Professor


Office: FF 213

Research and Teaching Interests

Group IV semiconductors in microelectronics, Ge-on-Si lasers, 2D semiconductors, 3D integration of ICs, Raman spectroscopy
Name Position Email Phone
Thomas Alden Professor Emeritus
Peter Barr Emeritus Professor peter.barr@ubc.ca
Lawrence Brown Emeritus Professor lcbrown@mail.ubc.ca
Bob Butters Emeritus Professor
Göran Fernlund Emeritus Professor goran.fernlund@ubc.ca
Bruce Hawbolt Emeritus Professor
Frank Ko Emeritus Professor frank.ko@ubc.ca
John Lund Emeritus Professor
Ray Meadowcroft Emeritus Professor
Alec Mitchell Emeritus Professor alecm@mail.ubc.ca
Indira Samarasekera Professor Emerita
Tom Troczynski Emeritus Professor tom.troczynski@ubc.ca
Des Tromans Emeritus Professor
Heinz Voggenrieter Affiliated Professor hvoggenr@mail.ubc.ca
Berend Wassink Emeritus Associate Professor of Teaching berend.wassink@ubc.ca
Name Position Email Phone
Ainul Akhtar Adjunct Professor ainul.akhtar@ubc.ca
Mahyar Asadi Adjunct Professor m.asadi@mtrl.ubc.ca
Alex Burns Adjunct Professor
Elvis Cepus Adjunct Professor
Walter Cicha Adjunct Professor wcicha@mail.ubc.ca 604–822–3041
David Embury Adjunct Professor emburyd@mcmaster.ca
Fateh Fazeli Adjunct Professor ffazeli@nrcan.gc.ca
Michael Greenwood Adjunct Professor seveiht@mail.ubc.ca
Ryan Huizing Adjunct Professor
Hamed Karimi-Sharif Adjunct Professor hamed.karimi@ubc.ca
Bethan McKevitt Adjunct Professor
Nick Parson Adjunct Professor nick.parson@riotinto.com
Avaral Rao Adjunct Professor avaral.rao@powertechlabs.com
Zihe Ren Adjunct Professor rzh722@gmail.com
Colin Scott Adjunct Professor colin.scott@nrcan.gc.ca
Paul West-Sells Adjunct Professor pwest-sells@westerncopperandgold.com
Zhaolin Tang Adjunct Professor Zhaolin.tang@ubc.ca
Da Yung Wang Adjunct Professor dayung.wang@ubc.ca
Quanzu Yang Adjunct Professor quanzu@mail.ubc.ca
Name Position Email Phone
Norma Donald Senior Financial Processing Specialist norma.donald@ubc.ca 604–822–9787
Lydia Lyu Senior Program Assistant Student Services lydia.lyu@ubc.ca
Vendula Ralkova Administrative Support and Assistant to Head vendula.ralkova@ubc.ca 604-822-2676
Shanelle Selvendra Financial Processing Specialist shanelle.selvendra@ubc.ca 604-827-6643
Becky Silverman Program Assistant Student Services rebecca.silverman@ubc.ca 604-827-6422
Michelle Tierney Manager, Business Operations mtierney@apsc.ubc.ca 604–822–4878
Joey Yeap NetOMM CREATE Program Project Coordinator joey0211@mail.ubc.ca
Name Position Email Phone
Soung-Jae Bong Undergraduate Lab Technician soungjae@mail.ubc.ca
Heli Eunike SEM Technician heli.eunike@ubc.ca 604–822–5648
Wonsang Kim Electronics Technician wonsang.kim@ubc.ca 604–822–6181
Liam MacLellan Machinist liam.maclellan@ubc.ca 604-822-2605
Bernhard Nimmervoll Machinist bernhard.nimmervoll@ubc.ca 604–822–2605
David Torok Head Technician (Machinist) david.torok@ubc.ca 604–822–2605
Wes Wong Stores Keeper mtrl.stores@ubc.ca 604–822–2716
Name Position Email Phone
Daniel Hawker Research Engineer daniel.hawker@ubc.ca
Jianming Lu Research Engineer jianming@mail.ubc.ca 604–822–2662
Davood Nakhaie Research Associate davood.nakhaie@ubc.ca
Carl Reilly Research Associate carl.reilly@ubc.ca
Suzana Topic Manager CRN suzana@composites.ubc.ca 604–822–6178
Qiong Wang Research Associate qiong.wang@ubc.ca
Name Position Email Phone
Iman Amini Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ruth Birch Post-Doctoral Fellow ruth.birch@ubc.ca
Ashish Dhole Post-Doctoral Fellow adhole@mail.ubc.ca
Siti Hasan Post-Doctoral Fellow
Parya Keyvani Post-Doctoral Fellow paryakey@mail.ubc.ca
Ali Khajezade Post-Doctoral Fellow ali.xajezade@gmail.com
Jacqueline Noder Post-Doctoral Fellow jnoder@mail.ubc.ca
Simon Tsianikas Post-Doctoral Fellow simon.tsianikas@ubc.ca
Yixin Wang Post-Doctoral Fellow ywang716@mail.ubc.ca
Hossein Zargarnezhad Post-Doctoral Fellow hossein.zargar @ubc.ca
Name Position Email Phone
Chih Wei Chao Honorary Research Associate Jetti chihweichao00@gmail.com
Chikaumi Sawanishi Visiting Scientist csawanis@mail.ubc.ca